People & Product - Roger Robinson Writer, Poet & Creative Educator

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If you don’t already know, our ‘People & Product’ series here on the Crown Northampton blog is an on-going series where we take a moment to get to know various design led and style conscious individuals that we believe align with what we’re all about as a company. Sometimes they’re local to us here in the home of shoemaking and sometimes they are from a bit further afield.

For this feature we met up with a fella we’ve known for a few years after frequenting various Northampton establishments. Magee Street Bakery being one of those, where we like to start our weekly marketing team meetings with a beverage and one of their legendary bacon sandwiches when we’re feeling up to it. (They’re pretty substantial!)

Crown Northampton overstone hi Roger robinson

Crown Northampton overstone hi Roger robinson

Roger Robinson is a prize-winning writer, poet, musician and all around intriguing individual. Hailing from Trinidad, and spending his time split between there and the UK, as well as travelling, Roger has several different projects that always peak our interest and it seems like there’s never enough time to really dig into the intricacies of what he’s up to, but we’ll do our best here in this write-up at least.

Observing Roger's personal style day to day, we knew he would be a great fit for a pair of our sneakers, and when dropped into conversation Roger confirmed he loves a fresh pair of sneakers! For the people and product series, we gift a pair of Crown Sneakers as there is no better way to experience what we’re all about than wearing a pair for yourself and beating them up over the months after breaking in fully.

Roger selected the Overstone Hi Derby in a fresh white/white colourway, keeping it classic. Our team duly obliged and the pair were made to order in a few weeks whilst Roger was out on the road with work. When he finally landed back home in Northampton after a trip to Mexico City, we were able to call round to Roger’s place to deliver the pair and have a chat about his various musings around writing, design, art, fashion, and music.

Crown Northampton overstone hi Roger robinson

Crown Northampton overstone hi Roger robinson

First off Roger, we found it hard to  your introduction in this article, (hopefully we have done you justice). How would you go about describing yourself as a creative?

A creative citizen, I practise creative citizenship.

Roger, is there anyone who you draw inspiration from on a regular basis?

The poet Linton Kwesi Johnson

As a multi-medium artist, how do you go about splitting your work/personal projects? Is there a particular discipline that you focus on and then the others are extra, or is it all one big melting pot?

I finish one thing and then I decide what’s next on the list and I finish the next thing but the list never seems to end.

We know you have a series on your instagram featuring the hashtag #artists which offers some valuable experiential musings on what it’s like to be an artist. Can you tell us a bit more about the inspiration behind this series?

In a creative slump I started to remind myself about creative principles and best practice. I came out of the drought but continued the practice and I share them on social media for others.

Another project we’ve enjoyed recently is your book alongside acclaimed photographer Johny Pitts ‘Home Is Not A Place’, based on your travels around the UK in a red Mini Cooper, following the coastline clockwise and exploring the question ‘What is Black Britain?’. That must have been a hell of a journey. Were there any stand-out highlights or events from the road that you could tell us about? 

England’s incredibly beautiful coast. I never knew. It’s some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen and I’ve travelled a lot.

Now Roger, with several releases under your belt, we know you’ve more than dabbled in the music business and so it feels obligatory to ask, what’s coming up in the future from your musical side?

More dub poetry albums. An album with Amos Jabu from Young Echo, A Black Space Quartet album and a range of other collab singles.

Finally, we could go on all day quizzing you about your work and projects, but we figure we should ask you something shoe related at least. Looking back, what was/is your favourite shoe or sneaker that you have owned and what do you look for when choosing a sneaker?

A pair of Clark’s brown desert boots . They were simple and well made. I felt that it was a metaphor I could carry with me and wear. Much like the lovely crown shoes you gifted. Simple and well made a quiet luxury.

Crown Northampton overstone hi Roger robinson

Roger, we’ll leave it there for this feature, until we next run into one another around our Northampton spots. We hope you enjoy wearing your Overstone Hi’s and they serve you well as you continue your creative explorations.

Roger’s latest book ‘Home Is Not A Place’ is available to buy from Waterstones, here. You can also stream Roger’s musical projects on Spotify and online from various outlets.

Shop the Overstone Hi in several colourways here.


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